julie ann emery wikipedia biography

julie ann emery wikipedia biography

julie ann emery wiki : Julie Ann Emery (born January 16, 1975) is an American actress. She can currently be seen in the television series Preacher, as Lara Featherstone.

Emery was born and raised in Crossville, Tennessee, the daughter of computer analyst Janice (née Fields) and dairy farmer Gary Emery. She graduated from Cumberland County High School in 1990 in Crossville then studied acting at the Webster Conservatory at Webster University in St. Louis, Missouri.

Emery began her career at the age of 16 and has appeared in several stage productions, such as A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum and Bye Bye Birdie. She has appeared in films and television series such as ER, CSI: Miami, Taken, Commander in Chief, Line of Fire, Hitch, and Fargo. She played recurring character Betsy Kettleman in the first season of Breaking Bad spinoff Better Call Saul.

In 2017, Emery joined the main cast for the second season of the television series Preacher, in the role of Lara Featherstone.

Emery is married to actor Kevin Earley; they met while attending Webster Conservatory. They live in Los Angeles, California.

According to an interview with Maximum Fun podcast Can I Pet Your Dog?, Emery had a dog named "Baxter".

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