crystal reed wikipedia biography

crystal reed wikipedia biography

crystal reed wiki : Crystal Marie Reed (born February 6, 1985) is an American actress and model. She is best known for her roles as Allison Argent in the 2011 MTV show Teen Wolf and Sofia Falcone on Gotham. She also starred in the 2013 direct-to-video film Crush.

Reed has been in a relationship with Darren McMullen since July 2013. McMullen says the two plan on marriage and kids, but he himself was not willing to get married until his homeland of Australia legalized gay marriage. Reed previously dated Teen Wolf co-star Daniel Sharman from 2011 until 2013.

She has one older brother named Corey. Reed was raised in a conservative Catholic family, though she has also stated that she attended a Baptist church growing up and did not enjoy it. "I absolutely hated it and I knew that I would never fit in," Reed said.Reed has said she moved out of her hometown because it "was completely small-minded and not accepting of things that I'm accepting of." Reed campaigned for Hillary Clinton leading up to the 2016 United States Presidential Election.

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